Nordic Growth Market´s yearly trading competition Sijoittajamestari is now over and PENSSELISETÄ is the lucky winner of Sijoittajamestari 2021 and named the most successful investor in Finland. We had the chance to ask a few questions to the new champion.

Congratulations for being the most successful investor in Finland and the winner of Sijoittajamestari 2021! How does it feel?

– Thank you! It’s surreal. I want to believe it wasn’t just a big lottery and I actually made the right choices.

What was your winning recipe? Tell us more about your strategy.

– Lots of luck and right amount of risk. Which means maximal risk in this case. I went full hazard-mode like PENSSELISETÄ on his best days and chose the biggest shorts that I could find. That paid me well on the last day of the competition.

Which asset classes did you trade the most in the competition?

– Mainly DAX and then NASDAQ at the end just because they move the fastest and gave the biggest leverage. I noticed many competitors on the top-list were trading gold and oil so I felt I can’t stand out by doing the same as the others.

What were your expectations for this year’s competition?

– Because of my strategy, I was expecting to either lose my money quick or get rich early but neither of these really happened before Friday which surprised me quite a lot.

What experience do you have of trading?

– I am theoretically interested in predicting and the dynamics of the markets but I haven’t been trading myself too much.

What are your best learnings from this year’s competition?

– That you never know what happens or how the market reacts in short term. Surprises may come overnight.

What tips do you have for succeeding in trading?

– Just chill and let someone else do it for you and do it long-term. It’s stressful to follow markets on a daily basis.

Do you have a role model when it comes to trading?

– The actual PENSSELISETÄ naturally. He seems to be living in Sweden nowadays.

What was the most fun part about participating in Sijoittajamestari 2021?

– Fun part was on Friday to notice that I was catching up the lead very quick when market made a dip. Also making the fast and correct moves at the end to secure the win was quite an exciting experience.

Why should you participate in Sijoittajamestari?

– Just to see how these dynamics work and to test your short term prediction skills.

Congratulations to the winner of Sijoittajamestari 2021!