Hi Juuso!

  1. Do you have any advice for creating positive returns in a bear market?

Think through your own investment strategy. Try to do your own research and draw your own conclusions based on facts, not speculation. If you feel you’re deviating from your investment strategy, get your passwords wrong three times and lock your account.

  1. What does your strategy look like going in to this year’s competition? 

The competition will take place in the relatively short term, and I have personally identified mean reversion as the best strategy. I have certain ideas, but we’ll see how they go.

  1. What are your best tips for being successful when it comes to trading securities in general?

Facts and speculation do not fit on the same table. A pre-defined strategy helps, but you need to be able to adapt to new situations and constantly develop new ideas.

  1. Why should people participate in Sijoittajamestari?

There is no point in blowing up your own portfolio. If you ever want to blow it up, I recommend doing it with virtual money. Playful competition with #fintwit is welcome.


Good luck in the competition!