This years Star Investors
This year, Sijoittajamestari has more winners than ever before. New for this year was the opportunity to win the “Star Investor” award by generating the highest return on a specific underlying asset. The underlying assets for this year were Gold, Apple, and the S&P 500.
Congratulations Pa22o, who managed to generate a return of 14,065 EUR in products with Apple as the underlying asset.
Congratulations öljymies, who managed to generate a return of 423,723 EUR in products with Gold as the underlying asset.
S&P 500
Congratulations SamSamYOLO, who managed to generate a return of 195,370 EUR in products with S&P 500 as the underlying asset.
A big congratulations to all the winners!
The winners will be contacted by NGM with additional information.