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Societe Generalen pörssilistatut tuotteet

Societe Generale on korkealuokkainen eurooppalainen pankki, jolla on yli 126 000 työntekijää ja joka palvelee noin 25 miljoonaa asiakasta 65 maassa eri puolilla maailmaa. Pankki on tukenut talouksiemme kehitystä jo 160 vuoden ajan tarjoamalla yritys-, institutionaalisille ja yksityisasiakkailleen laajan valikoiman lisäarvoa tuottavia neuvonta- ja rahoitusratkaisuja.

Societe Generale on yksi maailman suurimmista johdannaisten liikkeeseenlaskijoista ja johtava toimija pörssilistatuissa tuotteissa (ETP) Euroopassa. Suomessa on tarjolla muun muassa Mini Futuureita, Bull & Bear-sertifikaatteja ja warrantteja.

Societe Generale tarjoaa yhden ETP-markkinoiden laajimmista tuotevalikoimista, sillä se tarjoaa laajan valikoiman kohde-etuuksia eri omaisuusluokissa – osakkeet, indeksit, valuutat, hyödykkeet ja korot. Jotta sijoittajille voitaisiin tarjota paras mahdollinen valikoima, tuotevalikoimaa mukautetaan päivittäin asiakkaiden kysynnän ja vallitsevien markkinaolosuhteiden mukaan.

Käy verkkosivuillamme saadaksesi lisätietoa tuotevalikoimastamme ja nähdäksesi, mitä uutta on tarjolla. Sieltä löydät myös ainutlaatuisia työkaluja tuotteiden valintaan ja arviointiin sekä tukevan tietopankin – kaikki tämä auttaa sinua sijoittajana saavuttamaan täyden potentiaalisi!

Tärkeää tietoa
Sijoittamiseen liittyy aina riski. Nämä tiedot on tarkoitettu ainoastaan markkinointitarkoituksiin, eivätkä ne ole sijoitusneuvontaa. Käy osoitteessa, josta löydät yksityiskohtaiset tuotetiedot, erityisesti riskejä koskevat tiedot, jotka on kuvattu avaintietoasiakirjassa (KID), ohjelmaesitteessä ja lopullisissa ehdoissa. Aiempi kehitys ei ole tae tulevasta kehityksestä.

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Registration is open!

We are excited to once again invite you to Sweden’s most exciting investor competition, organized by Nordic Growth Market (NGM). From November 4 to November 15, the Investor Championship takes place. Thousands of participants will compete to generate the best return on 1,000,000 SEK in fictitious portfolio money, invested in exchange-traded products listed on NGM.

What’s new this year?
• Achievements: Collect achievements that show how you invest! For example, you can earn an achievement for diversifying your portfolio with multiple asset classes.
• Groups: Compete together with friends or colleagues! You can create both private and public groups to see who has the best strategy.

The competition offers a unique opportunity to learn more about exchange-traded products and how the market works, without risking your own money. The best portfolio will be awarded the title of Finland’s Leading Investor, and a total of 150,000 SEK in prizes will be distributed.

Sign up now and show what you can do in the Investor Championship 2024! Good luck, and may the best investor win!

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Winner of Sijoittajamestari 2024!

Nordic Growth Market´s yearly trading competition Sijoittajamestari is now over and Nallekarhu11 is the winner of Sijoittajamestari 2024!

Congratulations for being the most successful investor in Finland and the winner of Sijoittajamestari!

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An Interview with Societe Generale – Sponsor to Sijoittajamestari

Societe Generale one of two main sponsors to competition. Societe Generale has over 22 000 issued and is one of most important partners to NGM on the ETP markets. Today we hear from Ellinoora Korkiakoski, Analyst at Societe Generale, about their strengths as an issuer and their own thoughts on Sijoittajamestari.

Tell us a little bit about Societe Generale:

  • Societe Generale is one of Europe’s leading financial services groups and a major player in the economy for over 150 years. We support 25 million clients every day with more than 117,000 staff in 66 countries.Amongst others, Societe Generale is a leading issuer of exchange traded products (ETPs) in Europe and is offering its product range, market-making and services to self-directed retail investors in 13 countries in Europe, including Sweden, Finland, Norway, and Denmark.

In your opinion, what are the main benefits in trading Exchange traded products (ETP) compared to other financial instruments?

  • Most of the ETPs include a built-in leverage effect. With leveraged ETPs, investors can participate on the short-term performance of hundreds of underlying assets with relatively small initial invested amount. Trading with leverage includes a potential for higher-than-average profits but also an increased risk of losses. As opposed to some other leveraged instruments, with ETPs it is however not possible to lose more than the initial invested amount. ETPs also give the flexibility to invest either in rising markets (using “Long”, “Bull” or “Call products), falling markets (using “Short”, “Bear” or “Put” products) or even flat markets. One can also get access to certain underlying assets that might otherwise be hard to access for retails investors, such as gold or oil. Finally, there are several product types existing with different return profiles, fitting for different investment strategies. All of this, easily accessible via local brokers and tradable through exchange, in the same way as stocks.

What is the main reason to trade exchange traded products issued by Societe Generale?

  • Societe Generale currently has over 22 000 ETPs listed on the Nordic Growth Market. We offer a very expansive range of instruments both for short-term trading but also for a longer investment horizon. You can find Mini Futures, Turbo Warrants, Standard Warrants, Bull & Bear certificates as well as Tracker Certificates from our product range. Investors can get exposure to everything from stocks, indices and ETFs to commodities, currencies as well as interest rates. We offer a big selection of underlying assets with competitive prices. We also have a website, with several valuable tools for investors, for example for product selection or valuation.

Societe Generale have been a partner to the competition for several year now. What makes the competition so interesting to be a part of?

  • We think that the competition is a great initiative and a valuable opportunity for retail investors to trade real products with real prices but with fictitious money. It is a great way for beginners to test ETPs and learn how they behave in real market situations but also for more experienced traders to test new product types or investment strategies.

Working for an Issuer with products throughout Europe, what makes investing in the Nordics so interesting?

  • The Nordic countries form only a small part of the European ETP market, but we see growing interest in the Nordic countries towards trading in ETPs. We have also seen a growing number of new initiatives in the Nordic markets, such as new brokers and trading tools, which might further support the growth of the Nordic ETP market. The digitalization level and the adaption of digital tools is also higher in the Nordic countries than in the other European countries on average.

Lastly, as an ETP-professional, do you have any advice for the contestants?

  • Use the trading competition to get valuable experience of trading in ETPs. Use it to gain knowledge of different product types and how they behave in different market scenarios. This way you will be able to find the most suitable product type and trading strategy for you.
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A conversation with Vontobel – Sponsor to Sijoittajamestari

Nordic Growth market are pleased to partner with Vontobel in this year’s competition. Vontobel is the largest independent ETP issuer in the Nordics with over 14000 products. NGM had a conversation with Edvin Wallin from Vontobel to discuss their position in the market and what Sijoittajamestari brings to the Nordic ETP trading community.

Tell us a little bit about Vontobel:

  • Vontobel has this year a history spanning 100 years back to when Vontobel was founded. Vontobel is a Swiss investment house listed on the Swiss stock exchange SIX since 1986. Our services spans from wealth management, asset management to investment solutions. In the Nordic region we are partially known for exchange traded product as the largest independent issuer with more than 14000 products listed on NGM.

In your opinion, what are the main benefits in trading Exchange traded products (ETP) compared to other financial instruments?

  • Exchange traded products has many benefits from an investor standpoint, from getting access to exotic underlying’s, being able to speculate in both bearish and bullish markets by short or long products but also how the products work in terms of exposure and risk. Exchange traded products is a large group of products and can be adapted to different styles of invest from hedging to trading.

What is the main reason to trade exchange traded products issued by Vontobel?

  • At Vontobel we focus on the customer, from having a great customer service to being at the forefront of innovation. We trying to minimize the gap between the issuer and the investor working with many partners building relationship to the end customer. We always try to come up with new ideas and underlying to match the investors’ expectations but also focusing on having competitive pricing and quoting quality that in the end will benefit the investor directly. We want to be the investors “one-stop shop” for ETPs.

Vontobel have been a partner to the competition for several year now. What makes the competition so interesting to be a part of?

  • First of all, it is a great opportunity to showcase the talent that exist within the trading community. Secondly, it is also giving people that may be interested in trading an opportunity to try it out. The competition really brings out the community that exist around exchange traded products.

Working for an Issuer with products throughout Europe, what makes investing in Nordics so interesting?

  • The Nordic region overall is very developed when it comes to personal finance and investing. Overall, one can see a very strong culture around investment and stocks that may not exist in other European countries. People from Nordics countries have a stronger appetite for trading together with the strong interest for investments, this combination have built an great environment where one can learn more about investments.

Lastly, as an ETP-professional, do you have any advice for the contestants?

  • I would say there are some key factors for a person to be successful in the competition. Firstly, be active in the competition so you can showcase your skills and learn more about ETPs. The second advise I would personally give is to find two or three interesting underlying’s that you like and focus on those. Lastly, do not putting all the money into one product at day one. This will result in that the whole experience will be more fun.


More information about Vontobel and their issued products at Vontobel’s website.

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DELISTED Instrumentti

Kun käyt kauppaa pörssilistatuilla tuotteilla, instrumentti voi mahdollisesti tyrmätä ja raueta. Tulet näkemään tämän DELISTED -asemana salkussa. Sen arvo ei muutu, joten voit yhtä hyvin myydä sen. Kun käytät oikeaa rahaa, tämä hoidetaan automaattisesti välittäjäsi toimesta.

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Haastattelu osakevälittäjän kanssa

Nordic Growth Market on ylpeä saadessaan taas tehdä yhteistyötä Nordnetin kanssa tämän vuoden kilpailussa. Nordnet on yksi Suomen johtavista sijoitusplattformista ja tärkeä kumppani Nordic Growth Marketille. Haastattelimme Joonas Laukkoa, osakevälittäjää Nordnetissä, kilpailusta ja mahdollisuuksista aktiiviseen kaupankäyntiin Nordnetissä.


Sijoittajamestari juhlii yli vuosikymmenen taivalta. Mitkä ovat ajatuksesi kilpailusta? Voisitko myös avata taustalla olevat syyt kilpailun kumppanuudelle.

Nordnetin missio on demokratisoida sijoittamista niin, että sijoittajat voivat oppia ja inspiroitua. Sijoittajamestari-kilpailu sopii siihen hyvin. Tässä kisassa voit tutustua pörssimarkkinaan tavalla, jota et ehkä itse omalla rahalla ja riskillä uskaltaisi tehdä. Ehkä opit myös itsestäsi sijoittajana jotain uutta.

Haluamme vaalia sijoittamisen traditiota ja kannustaa asiakkaitamme matalalla kynnyksellä haastamaan itsensä Sijoittajamestarikilpailussa.


Siirryttäessä vuoteen 2024 ETP-markkinat näyttäytyvät erityisen vahvoilta viime vuosina. Mikä on selityksesi kasvavalle kiinnostukselle?

Varsinkin Suomessa sijoittamisen ympärillä on kasvava buumi. Tämän lisäksi markkinoiden volatiliteetti yleisesti kasvattaa kauppamääriä. ETP (Exchange Traded Products) -tuotteilla on helppo ottaa näkemystä pienemmilläkin rahasummilla. ETP:eillä voi myös suojata omaa salkkua laskumarkkinassa, jos sijoittaja ei ole valmis realisoimaan voitolla olevia positiota.


Miksi aktiivisen kaupankävijän kannattaa käyttää Nordnetin palveluita?

Nordnetin verkkopalvelu ja sovellus ovat helppokäyttöisiä. Tarjoamme myös Infrontin kaupankäyntisovelluksia (Web Trader ja Active Trader) mahdollistaen laajemman käyttäjäkokemuksen sijoittajalle, josta esimerkiksi aktiivinen sijoittaja voi hyötyä huomattavasti. Tämän lisäksi tarjoamme laajan tuotevalikoiman, luotettavan palvelun ja kattavan raportoinnin.
Ongelmatilanteissa asiakas voi soittaa suoraan asiakaspalveluun/meklarilinjaan, eikä joudu mahdolliseen kierteeseen, jossa asiakasta pompotellaan eri asiakaspalvelijalta toiselle, ennen kuin löydetään oikea henkilö auttamaan häntä ongelmassaan.


Kerro lisää Nordnetin aktiivikaupankävijöille suunnatusta tuotevalikoimasta.

Tuotevalikoima on lähtökohtaisesti sama kaikille asiakastyypeille. Tarjoamme aktiivisimmille sijoittajille Active Trading -etuohjelman, johon kuuluu esimerkiksi halvempi hinnasto sekä Infront Web Trader -kaupankäyntisovellus veloituksetta. Nordnetin Active Trading -etuohjelmasta voi lukea lisää täältä:


Henkilönä, joka työskentelee sijoitusten ja säästöjen parissa, voitko antaa joitakin neuvoja Sijoittajamestarin kilpailijoille?

Pitäkää kirjaa tekemistänne sijoituksista ja syistä, minkä takia olette tehneet juuri kyseisen sijoituksen. Näin sinun on helpompi reflektoida, minkä takia onnistuit tai epäonnistuit kyseisessä treidissä.

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Welcome to Sijoittämestari

For a period of two weeks, participants will have the opportunity to trade exchange-traded products with fictional money but at real market prices here on the platform. The portfolio with the highest return at the end of the competition will be titled Sweden’s Premier Investor, and a total of prizes worth 11,000 EUR will be awarded.

Here on the platform, NGM, along with the main sponsors of the competition, Societe Generale and Vontobel, will contribute educational materials, interviews with prominent figures in the ETP market, the program NGM Market Insights (in Swedish), and much more.

Keep an eye on NGM’s social media channels below for additional information during the competition.

The competition starts on January 29.


Welcome, let’s get started!




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Timo Tervo is the lucky winner of Sijoittajamestari 2022

Nordic Growth Market´s yearly trading competition Sijoittajamestari is now over and Timo Tervo is the lucky winner of Sijoittajamestari 2022 and named the most successful investor in Finland. We had the chance to ask a few questions to the new champion.

  1. Congratulations for being the most successful investor in Finland and the winner of Sijoittajamestari 2022! How does it feel?

Well, winning feels always good.

  1. What was your winning recipe? Tell us more about your strategy.

Active daily trading with DAX index with high leverage products.

  1. Which asset classes did you trade the most in the competition?


  1. What were your expectations for this year’s competition?

Winning of course.

  1. What experience do you have of trading?

Just a little bit knowledge.

  1. What are your three best learnings from this year’s competition?

Don’t buy and forget, note intraday market changes.

  1. What tips do you have for succeeding in trading?

Extended hours can be most profitable.

  1. Do you have a role model when it comes to trading?

  1. What was the most fun part about participating in Sijoittajamestari 2022?

Just trading with Unlimited turbos.

  1. Why should you participate in Sijoittajamestari?

This is not my first year participating, it’s always nice to invest in high leverage products especially if there is no risk of losing your own moneys.

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Winner of Sijoittajamestari 2022!

Nordic Growth Market´s yearly trading competition Sijoittajamestari is now over and TT is the lucky winner of Sijoittajamestari 2022!

This year´s winner among the Investor profiles is KEISARIJOKINEN!

Congratulations to you both!

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